The story of Wild Witchery begins with the curious concept of creating an Australian brand bringing back the element of old fashioned, simple apothecary style beauty in a modern day time.
At Wild Witchery, natural beauty takes center stage, and alongside it, holds steadfast to the core values of quality, honesty, and business generosity. The purity and power of our brand stands with the ability to honour our customers with high quality products, supreme customer satisfaction and utilise our platform to give back to the community.
unveil the magic
The creative vision behind Wild Witchery is to cultivate a distinctive aesthetic within the realm of beauty that fosters authenticity and ignites the power of imagination.
This vision is crafted through the use of intricate design elements featuring ornate filigree patterns, using the beauty of colour and folklore names for each item.
a note from the creator
fatima gamero-gomez
Thank you for being a part of Wild Witcherys growth. Coming from a Beauty Therapy background I wanted to bring forth an apothecary style business that focuses not only on quality grade beauty products but also an allure of passed time beauty and enchantment!
My goals for this business is to create an Australian brand that transfers you to a world of 'yore' along so using the power of naturally derived botanicals for all your beauty goals. Being a part of the birth of our business means a lot and we thank you so kindly for the support thus far. We do hope you love our products and stick around as we will always be adding new items to the apothecary for all our natural and wild needs.
Lots of love, the Wild Witchery family